
Here is a Video about the Resurrection message of Jesus Christ in the Sansi Language. You can Watch it and Download it for sharing the Good News. This video is not for sale.

Jesus Christ is risen.

The best part of humanity is that they are created in the image of God, but the sad part is that they are in bondage to pain, fear, and death.
In recent days the situation in Corona was so dire that people were making every possible effort to avoid death and save their lives. Similarly, the people of Russia and Ukraine are in panic and fighting for their lives because of the war between them. People are running away from their motherland and dear ones so that death can't catch them and are running to a place they don't even know.
Death is so terrifying, and frightening, that it creates a state of fear, loneliness, and despair that everyone wants to get rid of. But they are not able to get rid of it because they indulge in sin which leads to death

The Bible says, death came through sin, and thus death spread to all men because all sinned. Man did not understand God's purpose for himself and did not value his relationship with him. This very decision of man cut him off from God and all the good that comes from him. And it brought sin, evil, and death.
To save man from this remote state, God sent his only son Jesus into the world to atone for the sin of man, to take the sin of man upon himself, so that man could be freed from eternal death. And the relationship with God is restored.

The Bible says that Jesus, being in the image of God, did not consider being equal to God to be something to be controlled. Rather, he reduced himself to nothing, took the form of a slave, and became the likeness of a man. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, yes, death on a cross.
Jesus died for the salvation of the whole world, and his body was placed in the cemetery, which was monitored by the Roman soldier, everyone felt that the time of Jesus was over. And his teaching about eternal life, that death is now in its control. Jesus, the encourager of high things in heaven, is now lying in the burial ground under the earth.

But the basic truth is that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his death. The Bible says God raised Jesus from the dead by freeing him from the bonds of death because it was impossible for death to keep him in its bondage. The resurrection of Jesus is proof that Jesus has authority over death.

The world thinks that there is no salvation from fear, despair, and pain, and death ends life, but the resurrection of Jesus is a hope for the whole world and assures that we are more than conquerors. Believing in Jesus gives you victory over this death and makes you an heir to eternal life.

Do you want your life to change completely, and to come out of fear, despair, and fear of death, then believe in Jesus, who rose from the dead?
Let this power of the resurrection of Jesus control your life.

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